Reading Challenge

The reading challenge has several objectives:
– develop a taste for reading by offering attractive readings on the theme of the Erasmus project (the city)
– promote communication and develop group spirit by offering a challenge between the different institutions
– share a common culture (literary and urban culture) through the discovery of texts and heritage sites of each country and institution

The reading challenge has been prepared by each partner school. Thus, each establishment has chosen a book (novel) that deals with the city, whose action is located in a city…..
Selected books :
– for France: Have mercy on all us, by Fred Vargas
– for Spain: The time in between, by Maria Duenas
– for Poland: Rutka’s notebook, by Rutka Laskier

Each high school selects extracts from its novel and transmits them to other schools in English.

Here are the excerpts selected by the Georges Clemenceau high school in the novel Have mercy on all us :

Students must:
1 – read the entire novel chosen by their high school, and read extracts from the other novels offered by the partner schools

2 – From a list of questions on books prepared by the teachers, the students (in groups) must answer as many questions as possible on foreign books and foreign books. Two teams are winners. Here is the list of questions :

3 – participate in a reading rally with several tests to discover in the Clemenceau high school, in groups of 4 (mixing French, Polish and Spanish high school students) in a minimum of time, like an escape game. Four teams are winners.
Riddle to discover here

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